The following are reflections from a few clients : 

"Suzanne Levy did a phenomenal job presenting a 4 week workshop of “Mindful Stress Reduction Techniques” to Caregivers who have a loved one diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness. Most caregivers  find their lives consumed by their loved ones mental illness.  These families live with exorbitant stress levels.  Through Suzanne’s calm presence and positive reinforcement the Caregivers learned techniques to lower their stress levels.  Her techniques were simple and nonthreatening; she showed how the use of gentle movement and breathe work can work magic on inducing a feeling of calmness. The Caregivers Wellness Series was presented by the Mental Health Association of Essex County .          We would encourage others to utilize Suzanne’s invaluable services. "
                         Andrea Marana, LCSW -Intensive Family Support Services -Family Support Counselor

"I first worked with Suzanne in 2011, and since then I have been attending her specialized workshops for a week every year. 
I am a dancer and I practice Hatha Yoga. What is so particular about her work is that it accords a considerable time on breath work,and thus calms my mind and enables me to attain not only inner peace but also relaxes my whole body and fills it with positive and constructive energy. I incorporated this work in my daily yoga practice and I have taught it to my dance colleagues. I have also been teaching this work to a group of genocide widows, and it has facilitated them reconnect to their bodies and inner selves, and has improved their perceptions of the outside world. What I like most about this work is that each time I practice it’s a new experience, the sensation is different and I always realize there is more to explore. 
The most enjoyable part for me is how we awaken the senses. I do it any time of the day,and the results are always amazing. I feel like I am getting rid of all the strains accumulated along the day(s)." 

Laure Rurangwa - Network Membership & Outreach Officer Albertine Rift Conservation Society(ARCOS) Tel: +250728738461. Paths-of-Peace Change Agent 


"From the moment Suzanne began working with me, I sensed a release of tension in my body and mind. That was 10 years ago (or more). During each private session she honors what my body needs at the moment. Suzanne has an exquisite understanding of the human anatomy.Her private session and classes are warm, focused, strengthening and fill me with a personal touch. She instructs with compassion and uses a poetic way to describe movements".
Marla Sacks, Kundalini & Vinyasa Flow Yoga Instructor.

"I have been a client of Suzanne's for about 10 years.During that time I have been a private clients as well as attending group classses which emphasizes an awareness of one's self while moving through breath based stretching and strengthening excercises .I have found Suzanne to be an expert in guiding me through sessions. In a group setting, where there is alway a diverse group with a variety of limitations, one is able to chose what feels right for themselves while participating in and as a group. Suzanne treats everyone with the utmost respect and I never feel as though I need to keep up as one does in more traditional classes. She supports and encourages everyone to work at their own pace and speed so that we feel most comfortable and avoids injury by pushing too hard. However, as my stamina and capacity increase, so do the workouts .As I said it is individual/client-driven. I always look forward to our sessions as I know I will leave the class feeling better about myself."